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                            PutImage procedure

  DECLARATION:  PutImage(X, Y : Integer, Var BitMap; BitPut : Word);

      PURPOSE:  Places a previously stored graphic image on the screen

         UNIT:  Graph

      REMARKS:  Uses (X,Y) as the upper left corner of a rectangular
                portion of the screen to display the bit image.  BitMap is
                an untyped parameter that contains the height and width of
                the region and the bit image that will be put on the screen.
                BitPut specifies the binary operator that will be used to put
                the image onto the screen.

                NOTE: PutImage is never clipped to the viewport boundary.

 RESTRICTIONS:  Must first be in graphics mode.

See Also: GetImage ImageSize GetPixel PutPixel
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson